Add Content to a Procedure or Step

Step-by-step instructions: Add work instructions/explanations/help to a Procedures or Step
Written by Keith Gillette
Updated 5 months ago

Content is work instructions or reference material associated with one or more Procedures or Steps. Content becomes viewable as Help on a the Assignment or Task corresponding to the Procedure or Step to which the Content is connected. While each Procedure or Step has only one Detail formatted-text field intended to contain explanations or instructions unique to that Procedure or Step, it may have multiple pieces of associated Content, each of which may be shared/reused among different Steps and Procedures within the same Manual. Manual Owners or Managers may modify Procedures.

  1. Navigate to the Procedure or to the Procedure Step to which you would like to add Content.                 
  2. Press the Content tab in the detail pane to display the Content panel.

Add Linked Content

  1. Linked Content is a website URL, along with a Title and optional Description.

  2. Press on the Link… button on the Content panel to display the Link Content dialog 

  3. Enter a URL in the Link field on the Link Content dialog:   

  4. Exit the Link field to allow TaskTrain to automatically fill in the other input fields with information about the webpage (assuming it is not password protected).
  5. Edit the Title or Description field contents as desired.
  6. Press the Save button to add the Linked Content to the selected Procedure or Step:                                           

Add Attached Content

Attached Content is an uploaded file such as an office document, PDF, or audio or video recording.

  1. Press the Attach… button on the Content panel to display the Attach Content dialog:                 

  2. Add one or more files to attach:
    1. Press the Select… button on the Attach Content dialog box to open the operating system file selection dialog:
    2. or, Drag & drop files from an operating system file browser window onto the Attach Content dialog drop zone.
  3. Edit the title of the uploaded file(s) by pressing the pencil icon or double-clicking the title, if desired:      

  4. Press the Attach button to upload the files and associated them with the selected Procedure or Step:  

Embedded Content

Embedded Content is formatted text entered directly into TaskTrain.

  1. Press the Embed… button on the Content panel:

  2. Enter a concise title describing the embedded text in the provided field.
  3. Enter or paste the text into the provided text editor, using the toolbar and common editing keyboard shortcuts to format the text:

  4. Press Save button to associate the formatted text with the selected Procedure or Step.

Related Articles


  1. Content Overview


  1. Reuse Content
  2. Reorder Content on a Procedure or Step
  3. Remove Content

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