Assignments Overview

Overview: Turn Procedures into Assignments
Written by Keith Gillette
Updated 5 months ago


An Assignment Task is an individual checklist item within an Assignment. Each Task corresponds to a Step within the Procedure on which the Assignment is based. Each Task may have its own Assignee, Start Date, Due Date, and Completion Status.

Assignment and Task Completion Status

As Organization Members complete Assignments, they document their progress by updating the Completion Status of each Task, allowing team members to instantly see workflow status and coordinate quickly and easily.

A Completion Status indicator identifies the stages that an Assignment or Assignment Task may pass through:

  • Not Started
    In Progress
    On Hold

Changes to the Completion Status of a child or sub Task automatically updates the status of its parent task, and vice versa. Updating Task Completion Status automatically updates Assignment status, and vice versa.

Completion Category

The 5 Completion Statuses are grouped into two completion Categories: Open and Closed, which can be filtered in the Assignments list.
Open: Not Started, In Progress, and On Hold Assignments or Tasks.
Closed: Skipped or Complete Assignments or Tasks


  1. Navigation Overview


  1. Procedures Overview


  1. Assign Procedures

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