Basic Concepts

Overview: Create and Assign Procedures
Written by Keith Gillette
Updated 5 months ago

Document Work Instructions with Procedures

The heart of TaskTrain is the Procedure, a step-by-step outline of work instructions with optional help Content at each individual Step.

Add Content to Procedures

Add detailed Help Content to work instructions so employees have the just-in-time information they need to do Tasks right the first time, every time.
You can add Help Content in 3 different ways: Embed text, attach documents, or link webpages. You can also re-use help Content you’ve created earlier by copying it from one Procedure or Assignment to another.

Turn Procedures into Assignments

Each time work related to a Procedure arises, an Assignment may be created from that Procedure and then assigned to one or more Members of the Organization

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  1. Key terms
  2. Procedures and Assignments
  3. Assignments Overview


  1. Create a Procedure
  2. Assign Procedures

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