Key Terms

Glossary: TaskTrain Terms
Written by Keith Gillette
Updated 4 months ago


User is a unique TaskTrain sign-in profile.

Account / Organization Member

A User may have one or more Accounts. Each Account makes the user an Organization Member (see below) by granting the User access to an Organization with a specific Organization Role.


An Organization is a workspace comprised of Accounts, Manuals, Procedures, Content, and Assignments under a common Billing Plan determining its feature availability.

Organization Role

An Organization Role grants an Organization Member permission to take certain actions within TaskTrain. The four Organization Roles within TaskTrain are Member, Manager, Owner, and Guest:


The Exchange is a shared collection of public, browsable, and searchable Procedures, which you can copy or purchase. The public Exchange allows you to easily learn from others and to download ready-made Procedures and then tweak them to meet your needs. You can contribute to others as well by sharing the work Procedures you yourself have created!


A Library is a collection of an Organization's Procedures, organized into Manuals. 


Manuals organize Procedures and control the access Organization Members have to the Procedures (and related Assignments) they contain.

Manual Role

Manual Roles grant permission to take actions on the Manual, the Procedures it contains, and the associated Assignments. Manual Roles include Viewer, Worker, Manager, and Owner


A Procedure is a set of step-by-step work instructions documenting your Standard Operating Procedures, captured in a multi-level outline of Procedure Steps, each of which may contain explanatory Content.

Procedure Step

A Procedure Step is a discrete, individually trackable work instruction within a Procedure, which may contain additional explanatory Content.


Content is reference material associated with one or more Procedures or Steps. Content may be Embedded (Formatted text entered directly in TaskTrain), Attached (a file upload), or Linked (website URL). Content becomes viewable as Help on a the Assignment or Task corresponding to the Procedure or Step to which the Content is connected.


An Assignment​ is a unique instance of a Procedure used as a checklist to guide and track work. Each Assignment may have its own Assignee, Start Date, Due Date, Priority, and Completion Status.

Assignment Task

An Assignment Task is an individual checklist item within an Assignment, corresponding to a Step within the Procedure from which the Assignment was created. Each Task may have its own Assignee, Start Date, Due Date, and Completion Status.

Completion Status

A Completion Status indicator identifies the stages that an Assignment or Assignment Task may pass through: Not Started, In Progress, On Hold, Skipped, or Complete. Changes to the Completion Status of a child or sub Task automatically updates the status of its parent task, and vice versa. Updating Task Completion Status automatically updates Assignment status, and vice versa.

Completion Category

The 5 Completion Statuses are grouped into two completion Categories: Open and Closed, which can be filtered in the Assignments list.

  1. Open: Not Started, In Progress, and On Hold Assignments or Tasks.
  2. Closed: Skipped or Complete Assignments or Tasks


A Comment is a note made on an Assignment or Task. Comments allow Assignees to communicate, coordinate, and document work at the Task level.

Comment Thread

A Comment Thread is a series of related Comments made on an Assignment or Task, similar to an e-mail discussion thread.


An Attachment is a file uploaded with a Comment.

Inbox - Assignments

The Inbox - Assignment organizes all Assignments for which User's Account in an Organization is the Requestor or the Assignment or Task Assignee.

Inbox - Comment

The Inbox - Comments organizes all Comment Threads a User's Account in an Organization is included in, either as the Assignment or Task Assignee, or as an explicitly added Follower.

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