Procedures Overview

Overview: Document work instructions with procedures
Written by Keith Gillette
Updated 4 months ago


The heart of TaskTrain is the Procedure, a step-by-step outline of work instructions with optional Help Content at each individual Step.


A Procedure Step is a discrete, individually trackable work instruction within a Procedure. Steps may be nested up to 4 levels deep to break down complex work into easily understandable, individually trackable and auditable parts.


Content is reference material associated with one or more Procedures or Steps. Content becomes viewable as Help on a the Assignment or Task corresponding to the Procedure or Step to which the Content is connected.

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  1. Assignments


  1. Procedure Writing Best Practices
  2. Procedure Steps Overview
  3. Content Overview


  1. Create a Procedure
  2. Add Help Content to a Procedure or Step

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