Procedure Steps Overview

Overview: Making Changes to Procedure Steps and Substeps
Written by Keith Gillette
Updated 5 months ago

Procedures Steps are checklist items defining how a Procedure is to be carried out. Each Step becomes a Task that an Assignee completes to carry out out a unique Assignment created from the Procedure. 

The particular procedure shown below has four top-level Steps. One of those Steps, "Prep for Welcome" (selected and therefore blue), has four Substeps. Each Step and Substep provide progressively more detailed guidelines for employees to follow as they work their way down their Checklist of Tasks, thus ensuring accuracy and fidelity in Task completion. Substeps can be added to the fourth level of detail.

To add Steps or make other edits to a Procedure, navigate to the Procedure, then follow the links below for step-by-step instructions on various types of editing related to Procedure Steps.

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  1. Add Steps to a Procedure
  2. Delete Procedure Steps
  3. Update Procedure Step Name & Detail
  4. Reorder Procedure Steps
  5. Promote/Demote Procedure Steps
  6. Add Content to a Procedure or Step

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